Monday, June 14, 2010


Lately, I've been having a good LSS. I thought that abso-fucking-lutely anything after Bieber's Baby was going to be good, but I have to admit, my latest discovery in my trend of enjoying good songs after they become hits is a keeper. Plus, given the fact that I've been playing it in Youtube over and over again for the past three days without getting tired, nor annoyed of its LSS effect on me is a sign that I actually like the song. See, that doesn't happen too much nowadays - the last one was Green Day's 21 Guns.

But it seems to bother me that I actually like this song. Yes, it's under the genre where all good songs come from, and I'd forgive the ultra high pitch the vocals make it impossible to sing in the shower (although, I guess that's the reason why it's so catchy), but the really feel-good rhythm makes up for it though. And... hey, there we have it. There's the reason why I'm bothered - it's a feel good song, and couple it with mushy lyrics, and we have ourselves a feel-good love song I happen to like in a moment where I neither feel good, nor in love.

In case you're wondering, and I know you are, the awesome song stuck in my head right now is Train's Hey Soul Sister. Go check my descriptions and see if you agree with me that this shouldn't be what my anthem is right now. It's not me forcing myself to be sad and lonely and emo and shit, but c'mon Jyle! Can't you save this song for when you can actually see yourself singing the song in the first person point of view? Shouldn't you be listening to songs like Simple Plan's I Don't Wanna Think About You, or Regina Spektor's Better? See, when I get all pissed seeing just a certain name, then you ought to know what's up.

So, I love the song, and I don't know why. And I know I'm starting to hate the song because I don't know why I like it at this period of my life.
But then again, maybe I do.
After all, kinilig din naman ako kani-kanina lang.


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