Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cossack Blue.

It's our favorite song playing on the laptop right now. Actually, it has been playing on loop for the past hour or so. For some reason, it doesn't get too old - maybe that's why it's our favorite. Or maybe because we've never really gotten that old.

Sometimes I wish it'd rain, just so I can blame someone, or something, else for my mild depression as of late. And the funny thing about it is I'm not at the least bit sad at all. I'm confused, angry, suspicious and frustrated, but never lonely. It's a clusterfuck at its finest, and I guess if I had a clitoris, this would be me during PMS.

Then again, the rain wouldn't do justice to this emotional train wreck.
But you would.


1 comment:

  1. Days like you're having make sense only in retrospect. Living them is a challenge but the wisdom gained will stay a lifetime. Roland
